
CLIMA project is run for two years, starting in January 2024. The main objective of this project is to analyse, develop and educate on both technological and social challenges to assess the energy communities in terms of their renewable energy generation potential and capability to increase self-sufficiency and quality of supply by participating in flexibility programmes in collaboration with DSO (Distribution System Operator) and local markets. Validation is expected in the context of the Province of Girona in collaboration of energy stakeholders and municipalities in the territory.

CLIMA aims to leverage energy communities as relevant stakeholders in the energy value chain acting from and for the territory. CLIMA project will provide the technological framework for energy management, promoting the engagement of citizens in these collective initiatives and achieving the relevance required in terms of energy they produce and manage. CLIMA core objectives can be split in the following four:

  • To design, develop and validate a suite of energy services to support energy and flexibility management for energy communities ready for integration and interoperation with legacy systems and third party solutions.
  • To define, implement and validate a set of intergenerational training, transfer and engagement programmes, supported by a serious gaming platform for the dynamization of communities.and interoperation with legacy systems and third party solutions.
  • To increase awareness on sustainability and climate change and promote an active participation in energy efficiency programmes at collective level (cost benefit analysis of individual participation, self sufficiency, flexibility, etc.).
  • To provide a tool that allows end-users to calculate their costs and benefits as a function of their individual energy consumption profile for different distribution schemes of the costs and benefits among all end-users.

CLIMA project is run by a multidisciplinary team of the University of Girona conformed by 20 researchers with recognised consolidated research (SGR and some of them labelled as TECNIO agents) belonging to several research groups with background in the areas of Computer Engineering (including Data Science, serious games and artificial intelligence), Electrical Engineering, Economics, and Social Sciences:

eXIT (Control Engineering and intelligent systems, TECNIO): Expertise on developing ICT tools for energy management (generation / demand forecasting, statistical monitoring, optimal day-ahead scheduling of energy assets).Expertise on ledger technologies and application of blockchain for smart contracts.

● GRIGiVs: carries on research on transdisciplinary cooperation for the improvement of the social well being of communities, families and individuals.

GRAE expertise falls in the economic analysis with important contributions related to energy policies.

GiLAB (TECNIO): large experience in developing serious games in different fields and expertise in 3D image for medical applications.

CLIMA Team members are: Joan Colomer, Joaquim Melendez, Carles Pous, Sergio Herraiz, Bianca Innocenti, Beatriz Lopez, Joaquim Massana, Daniel Macaya, Albert Sabater, Helena Benito, Andres El-Fakdi, Imma Boada, Marta Fort, Josep Soler, Remei Calm, M.dels Dolors Berga, Elena del Rey, Nicolas Boccard, Renan Goetz and Miquel Rustullet.

CLIMA principal investigator is Dr Joan Colomer.

This project has received funding from the Departament of Research and Universities, Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Government of Catalonia.